Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Greens Covers

     After seeing the forecast and realizing our area was going to get an accumulation of snow with freezing temperatures, we decided to put the covers on the greens. Last Friday we actually put a few on to give us a jump start in case we were caught with bad weather earlier than expected. Thank goodness that we did! It took us all day to put on the rest of the covers, mainly because of the wind gusts that kept pulling our covers high into the sky. 

To successfully put on a greens cover, it takes at least eight to ten people, depending on the green and the wind speed. The cover is carefully unfolded until it is completely laid out, then dragged across the green. At this point we spin it until the entire collar and green is completely covered and any extra is taken to cover as much as the approach as well. We then pull it tight to get out any wrinkles and start staking from the center out. If the cover goes across any of the bunkers, sand bags are used to keep it from coming up in high winds, which we have been known to get from time to time.
 Thankfully our entire crew worked great as a team and put in some extra time to get the covers down in one day. The next day we received blizzard conditions and now have six inches of snow on the course. Time to break out the snowmobile now!!!!