Our Crew

Kevin Klemenz - Golf Course Superintendent

Kevin is a native of Connecticut and has lived in various parts of Colorado for the last fifteen years. Kevin enjoys spending time with his wife, Amanda, and his son Oskar.

Clay McKinley - Assistant Superintendent

Clay hails to us from Grand Junction, Colorado. Clay is happily married with two children and "one in the chamber". The upcoming season will be the second for Clay as the assistant superintendent. When Clay is not at work, you will most likely find him spending time with his family or hiking around the hills.

Paul Perue - Equipment Manager

Paul is one of our full-time staff that was born and raised here in the Platte Valley, and when asked what he loves most about the area, he says “Whats not to love?” Paul is not only a mechanic, but can also tear down a computer to see whats inside, we are just not sure he can get one back together. (Just kidding Paul) If you see Paul around, and his legs aren’t sticking out from under a vehicle, then he is probably on his way to the mountains where he enjoys spending much of his free time.

Ian Lee - Irrigation Technician

Ian is another born and raised local here in Saratoga. When not digging holes or fixing one of the many daily irrigation issues out on the course, Ian can be found floating the river or out on the course playing golf. Ian also enjoys hanging out with friends and enjoying the many other great oppotunities that the valley has to offer.