Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Covers Are Off And Snow Continues To Fall

May is officially here and the golf season is just around the corner. (If only someone would tell Mother Nature that). The recent weather has been extremely cold and more snow continues to fall. With the colder temperatures, much of the course is a bit behind schedule, but still is in great shape. As each day passes, more and more green grass is starting to appear.
Last week was nice for a few days, which allowed us to remove the covers from the greens. Each winter a lot of time and energy is given to the greens to ensure that as little damage as possible occurs, and this year was no different. All of the hard work paid off as the greens came out of winter beautiful. Once the current storm passes, the greens will be prepared for the season.

The rest of the course is coming along nicely as the crew continues the spring cleanup and gets prepared for another great season.