Friday, May 17, 2013

Antelope Flower Bed

The season is now under way and golfers have been teeing it up all week. The weather has been cooperative this last week and has allowed us to get quite a few projects going on the course. One smaller project was rebuilding the “Antelope” flower bed on #18.
Digging up the flower bed

A "Before" look
The total area almost doubled in size to allow for more marble rock
The antelope bed has needed some attention the last couple of years and has finally been completed. The area was dug up and new soil was added to the actual flower bed while sod was cut around the entire area to allow for white marble rock. The white marble rock was added to give more “pop” to the red annual flowers. A metal edging was used to contain the rocks while a weed barrier was also put in place to lower the daily maintenance of the flower bed. The flowers will be planted in a couple of weeks and the area will be complete and ready for the season.

A look from 200 yards out at 18 fairway