Thursday, February 14, 2013

Turf Samples

As winter progresses and the temperatures seem to be all over the place, we do the best to monitor all of the turf on the golf course, with the most emphasis on greens. As of right now, the course is under snow cover and insulated from the drastic low temperatures that we saw earlier this week.  This does not mean that we still can’t see what is going on with the turf.
A few samples taken from greens earlier this week

As spring nears closer (I know it’s only February and winter still has a ways to go) we take samples of turf from some of our problem areas from the past and bring them inside to break dormancy. So far the samples have shown good potential. There has been some ice formation on greens, but was quickly removed to lessen the chance for damage. There have also been some exposed areas that have been watered to prevent wind desiccation. Overall everything sampled seems to be doing great and we now wait for warmer temperatures to slide us into spring.