Thursday, January 24, 2013

Back In Action

As the new year is now in full swing, the Old Baldy Club golf course maintenance blog site will be back in action. The temperatures here at OBC have been all over the board as of late. It was not long ago it was -22 degrees below zero and this week we have seen the temperatures reach almost 50 degrees.

Much of the course has been covered with snow from a storm back in early December, but with the warmer temperatures much of that is quickly disappearing. Some snow has been removed from greens as it was quickly melting, preventing any ice buildup that could take place due to the rapid snow melt. The 10 day forecast seems to cool off a bit, lowering the chance for significant future snowmelt. Seeing this forecast, any snow that has not been melting will be left on the greens to help prevent wind damage and insulate the turf from any major fluctuation in temperature.


A look at #11 Green
Snow melting around perimeters and water flows to center of green
This is a good example of an area that is cleared off to prevent any ice damage


A close eye will be kept on the entire course as the winter days pass by. Besides moving snow from turf, we are also busy in the shop getting all equipment ready and prepping for the upcoming season.

#8 Green looking back towards tee